Staff & Faculty Awards

Faculty/Staff Leadership Award

Awarded to between two and four faculty/staff members who are responsible for major contributions to the University through service to students. This award is presented to those candidates who have an exemplary attitude toward students, who are enthusiastic about working with students, and who extend themselves to help students. This award is based on service beyond the responsibilities of their job description, teaching, and research.


  • Currently employed at FSU
  • Have been employed at FSU for at least two semesters
  • Have not previously received this award within the past four years

Make your nomination here

The Spotlight Award: Advisor of the Year

To honor ONE FSU faculty/staff member who contributes time and expertise in a volunteer activity capacity to a student organization at FSU.


  • Be a full-time FSU employee
  • Responsible for giving excellent guidance and advice to a RSO
  • Serve as an advisor on a volunteer basis and is not a mandatory requirement within the functions of staff/faculty's position.
  • Have not received this award within the past four years

Make your nomination here

The Achievement Award

Awarded to a distinguished staff or faculty member who has been employed at the university for 10 or more years and has made exceptional contributions and a lasting impact on the university community working with student organizations. This award recognizes long-term dedication to student organizations, outstanding service, and a sustained commitment to excellence in their role.


  • Currently employed at FSU for 10+ years*
  • Long-term dedication to student organizations
  • Outstanding service and sustained commitment to excellence

*Employment at FSU can be consecutive or nonconsecutive

Make your nomination here